public interface


Class Overview

Interface of the event listener of the audio advertising


Public Methods

void onAudioAdLoad() The event is triggered when the audio advertising is loaded
void onAudioAdFailed(String error) The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising loading error
void onAudioAdStart() The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising started
void onAudioAdSkipAllow(boolean allow) The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising skippable status changed
void onAudioAdComplete() The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising completed
void onAudioAdPlaybackInfo(int duration, int currentPosition) The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising with playback status

Public Methods

void onAudioAdLoad()

The event is triggered when the audio advertising is loaded

void onAudioAdFailed(String error)

The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising loading error


error Error text

void onAudioAdStart()

The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising started

void onAudioAdSkipAllow(boolean allow)

The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising skippable status changed


allow skippable status - true if allow

void onAudioAdComplete()

The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising completed

void onAudioAdPlaybackInfo(int duration, int currentPosition)

The event is triggered in the event of the audio advertising with playback status


duration duration of the audio ad
currentPosition current playback position of the audio ad